Anti-Discrimination Policies


Policy brief & Purpose

Construction Safety Training takes ethics seriously. All affairs and training is conducted in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations in accordance with the highest ethical standards. Our anti-discrimination policy outlines how we prevent discrimination and protect our clients and staff. This policy supports our goal to stay committed to creating a safe and happy learning environment.

Construction Safety Training is compliant with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding discrimination. We explicitly prohibit offensive behavior. Derogatory comments towards colleagues of a specific gender, race, or sexual orientation as well as other forms of discrimination will not be tolerated.



This policy is inclusive to all employees, contractors, visitors, customers, and stakeholders.

Policy Elements

Discrimination is defined as any negative action or attitude directed toward someone because of defining characteristics such as race and gender. Other protected characteristics are:

●      Age

●      Ethnicity

●      Disability/medical history

●      Marriage/civil partnership

●      Pregnancy/maternity/paternity

●      Gender identity/sexual orientation

Discrimination and harassment

Our anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies go hand-in-hand. We will not tolerate any kind of discrimination that creates a hostile and unpleasant enviornment for anyone including employees, students, and visitors.

Employees in violation of the anti-discrimination code will be investigated and go through our disciplinary process wherein it will be determined the consequences of their actions.

Actions to prevent discrimination

All employees will be required to participate in our anti-discrimination training to familiarize themselves with our policy.

What to do in cases of discrimination

If you feel that you have been discriminated against there is a protocol in place for filing a complaint.

How we address discrimination cases

At CST, we take all accusations of discrimination very seriously. Once we are informed of a possible discrimination case, a thorough investigation will be initiated using the protocol established by our company.